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After Yellow was pointed out regarding his influence on people and kept denying, Bobby then raised the borderline even more.

Everyone could feel the level of hatred quite sharply, even Yellow sat out the chat for a while. They're given a taste of their own medicine.

Bobby and Yellow are very similar in their talent. They are "Influencers". They inspire others...

Yellow saw that Bobby could also do the same in a very convincing way and can relate to each other.

Bobby proved it to Yellow by stealing control of his mechanism then pushed hard on the pedal.

This is something only Yellow and Bobby (and surely Red) could see.

Blue and Green are oblivious of the mechanism and can only see the hatred. If they don't acknowledge the mechanism, they are brainwashed.

Blue was so ignorant that he only fixated on the "Genocide" itself... All he could think of was "Millions of my people were killed, this is sad".

But does he not see the frame of mind and decisions or behaviour that lead up to that incident?

Does he not realise that the very thoughts that made those armies kill all of those people in cold blood and still believed themselves to be right,

is the same being used here? What was he thinking? That those armies just wanted to have a mass slaughter one random day because they felt almighty? The answer is this form of hatred. 

And when a racist rises to power, that mechanism is then functioning on a different scale, yet many people still fail to see it.

Maybe Blue is just unintelligent or uneducated on what was the real cause of his family's death. It's not the words or title...

It's what goes on in their minds, how they perceive and treat another human being. The very mindset that killed their ancestors is alive.

Bobby connected the dots to show where this hatred is going and what it could potentially be, by being the hatred itself. 

Leading by example, he became one of them and pushed their mission further and sooner because it's already rolling in that direction.

Since they wanted racism, Bobby became the alpha/idol of their motives, pushing with them. This was how he stole control from Red and Yellow.


They are influencers, people with a fair knowledge of something and/or they have vision on things way ahead of their time... Like time travellers.

They have a highly creative mind or imagination, combined with logic to bring an idea into reality or inspire that into other people to do it.

























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Influencers take people on a little journey through time. Making them remember or imagine things as if they are currently in it, also reviving the emotions that may have happened at that time too, or create new ones if it's something from the future. 

For example: Reminiscing a loved deceased person or discuss about a sophisticated ambition.

It could also open a door into something that's emotionally and mentally overwhelming, some even weep. 


When Bobby helps another person, it's not simply encouragement... He could "see" them in that future, being that person they want to be.

All he does, is open their minds and they can also clearly visualise how to get there. It's up to them to put in the effort to reach it. 

The world in Bobby's Leadership mind is a freaky vision of prediction, time-lapse and some other weird stuff depending on how much information.

Perhaps the following media will give an idea of the way he sees things based on decisions.


Bobby felt like there are 2 ways a person can inspire another. Perhaps there are better words but he sees them as Influencers and Creators.

There is a similarity, but depends. And both are used at the same time.

Influencers mostly instil ideas or imagination into other's minds without anything being made yet. It's like brainstorming or telling a story.

Creators usually have a developed idea or something ready to demonstrate and that becomes the thing that influences. (Tech, Art, Music)

Influencers have an abundance of realistic ideas due to their imagination. They think outside the box often, then try to make it work.

Creators commit more into the quality of each content. They are funnelled into a "template" of some sort. They play safer.

Influencers usually don't have things planned out, they go with the flow and are spontaneous. Little things with a strong impact.

Creators on the other hand, have a structure in the things they do. Lots of readjustments before a finish. A big show or bang.

One mostly remains as a thought (idea, imagination), the other is mostly a manifestation (it's real, it exists, and could be tangible).

Both are very important and are used simultaneously, just sometimes one is more applied than the other depending on what's needed.

Spending too much time in just one could have its downside...

Being only a Creator could end up being burnt-out of ideas. Or being only an Influencer gets nothing produced, often seen as laziness.

Those with a good balance and combination of both are; "Innovators". They are the outstanding individuals who revolutionise things.

Always ahead of the curve and at the cutting edge. Game changers.

Influence is a "tool".

It can be used towards something negative, it is destructive by its nature. Death. 

Or it can be used for something positive, a constructive purpose. Life.

All Bobby did in that moment was simply reflect what's in his opponent's mind or purpose, in time-lapse, suddenly they fear their own destiny.

This is the best way he can explain the "Third-Eye" and what he tried to make them see.

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