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This is my real life story.


See the world through my eyes.

What is our purpose in life? What is this about?

Think deeper; It can't be something man-made, because that would make us... Gods.

But why are we created? Why are we the way we are?


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We are growing. We are evolving. But did you know?

There were untold stories of War. Relentless battles between Love and Hate.

They are moments that would define a living being.

Decisions, shape us into who we are... And what we will become. For some out there, it's happening right now.

There was a boy, disconnected from the outside world, raised on an Island once home to an iconic extinct bird.

A very peaceful place. A Paradise on Earth... But also harboured some of the most immoral extremes.

When conquering these obstacles, the boy realised there were tools, that could only be forged from such flames.

Failure gave him the best tools.

His parents raised him with the first tool he needed to face any obstacle... Adaptation.

We should be prepared; Nobody knows what could happen in life. And like with everyone else, we'll just have to find out.

Bobby was the oddball in almost everything he tried fitting into. Many didn't like how different he was.

It was always a life of adapting to new environments; Schools, homes, friends, enemies, societies, even countries.

Once Bobby was grown up enough and after the parents had made enough money from the UK to begin their new life on the luxurious island, things didn't go according to plan for the family as they travelled.

Some of their luggage were lost, unfortunately the most valuable ones. It contained their important documents, passports, jewellery and most of their wealth. Fortunately, there were relatives who offered a place to stay, till eventually they moved into a small old single-floor house. For at least 3 years, it's been very hard for the parents to seek their proper jobs or anything without the necessary papers. A Bachelor's Degree (about 5 years of study) seemed like it held absolutely zero value or the salary would be underpaid by a lot, like only 10~15% of the worth.

Almost every night over a single candle, Bobby's mother would narrate real tales that happened in their family's lives,

like a bedtime story. It wasn't all told at once, but in detailed pieces and the story would complete after some months.

When the candle burns out, the story is paused there until another night. Sucks when it ends on an exciting moment.

Life was difficult but it was special... The family loved each other very much, no matter what.

Living on a beautiful tropical island was not the same as in a developed city. Bobby didn't really comprehend what poverty meant although he used to have a room full of toys, most of which had to be abandoned before moving to the island... 

Observing ant colonies, cracking coconuts, watching plants grow and feed other creepy bugs with that, became way more fascinating to him compared to inanimate objects.

Childhood hobbies were digging, climbing, crafting, or whatever playful activities to do outdoors. Happy vivid memories.

From the tales, Bobby figured that one day he would probably go through a similar situation because he was not far from that age. It may not be exactly the same, or maybe nothing bad will happen at all but everyone goes through their own growth/story differently, and they just need to be prepared. The parents passed on their wisdom, not just a pretty picture.

Sometimes a story is sad but it ends really happily, and that gave a motivational feeling. Better than watching cartoons,

which were also cool but since the parent's story was real, it was much more immersive and imagination ran wild.

"How did Dad win? How did Mum find the truth?" The puzzling thoughts were so captivating.

During the day, Bobby went to a public school and had to work his way up the ladder just like any other student.

Life outside his loving little home was very different. The people he socialised with, even some relatives, were... Sceptical.

Some saw him as a better educated, wealthier, interesting kid. While another saw him as inferior, impure, strange.

It was odd since it's a multicultural island and yet he felt secluded among children of his age for who knows what reason.

At the time he had no idea what was going on and thought they were simply curious, that's all.

Bobby's Mother taught how to speak the language, within a few weeks, he spoke fluently. But he was still treated as a foreigner...

Adults were very kind, humble, welcoming and righteous but the younger generation were a totally other kettle of fish.

A modern and rapidly developing country, focusing primarily on high-end tourism. A place where the rich were like royalty.

Wealth distribution was off-balance, with foreigners being at the top of the charts and most of the locals had to scramble.

The family didn't live in the bustling urban areas but rather far away in a small village among nature.


Use the above page search to Page 6 to skip the Prologue if necessary, and jump to the Paragon War.

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