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Progress is slow since we are busy chopping each other down when we should be lifting each other up instead.

Any breakthrough in technology by anyone is an advancement for humanity or at least their country.

That's what it should be like, unfortunately not everyone in the world thinks this way and it stunts growth and development.

It's not always down to a science to search for any logic within something tied to probably millions of feelings, knowledge

and personality traits that influences a person's decision in a fraction of a second. "Change my mind" is an example of it.

It is tricky to fight against someone who says one thing but with the interpretation of another. (Double-meaning)

Any response to that will give them clues, or simply assume things (mostly for worse).

Bobby learnt how to break a double-meaning and force a single meaning.

A simple way to notice, is to see if there is an opposing exclusion to the threat/sentence/actions.

They use this method to force an otherwise, unacceptable thing.


"I'll treat you with racial hate, but i'm not a racist." -  (But if you treat them the same way, they'll say you are a racist).

"I'll treat you like an inferior, but i'm not a bully." -  (But if you treat them the same way, they'll say you are a bully).

This is a hidden mechanism. It's an endless cycle of negativity.

We just have to try and shut down the source.

"No racism."

"No assaults/enmity."

But sometimes, they lie or deny themselves, and there's no choice but to expose their hidden mechanism.

A "Shadow War" begins. (Will be explained further down the story).

It's a hidden battle of two different point of views that only the third eye can see. 

Bobby fought against reverse-psychology/double-meaning in this exhausting dispute but the understanding is dependent on

their personality. (Liar, honest, truthful, loyal, humble, stubborn, greedy, manipulative, etc). 

Having seen many masterful negotiators defeated against double-meaning has trained Bobby to watch out for such situations.

Focus too much on one decision or topic and the other end will strike from the opposite side. With a question that's difficult or tricky to answer.

The same decisions, words, topic or anything will appear acceptable to some and not so much to others. 

Bobby realised that Blue cannot handle the double-meaning but it was necessary for a good cause and in order to defeat his enemies. 

That's why he opened Blue's mind to see the double-meaning (their mechanism) and hopefully drops his ego after knowing Bobby's purpose.

The only way for Blue to turn to the "light side" was to realise that it's wrong to treat humans racially (like he was treated) and agree with Bobby

just like Green did. Green understood the true meaning of racism and now walks a different path as Bobby carries on.

The scar that Bobby left on them, had a double-meaning.

One side sees it as: "You were right, hatred/racism is wrong, we should stop this sentimental aggression."

And the other as: "Revenge! My resolve strengthens. I'll hold onto ego and never admit defeat!"

Blue was a Jew who lived among Neo-Nazis and supports their efforts. How can Bobby trust like this? 


Yellow still believes he is not a racist... Or anyone for that matter. 

Perhaps the only time anyone admits themselves as a racist, is when their victim gets permanently injured or worse, killed.

Until then, it's just a bad "joke" for them. Should Bobby have waited until that moment comes and families see their loved ones suffer?

How would Bobby dare tell those families that he was completely aware of the potential, yet "thought it was just a joke among friends"?

It would pass completely unnoticed to an untrained eye.

This complex hatred has slowly grown roots beneath the foundations then rapidly torn the Paragons apart... 

The virtual life is a layer of protection, most of the bad things done virtually would never be seen in real life, no one would know about that side.

Although Wars are fun in a game as it teaches some valuable positive lessons, it's not the same in real life... Hate leads to suffering.

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