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Enemies carefully watched the argument. But the line has been redrawn and Red has already begun building his empire with a new order.

This purge revealed the fake Paragons as they shifted to Red's roster.

Whether Bobby's decisions were good, bad or truthful, never made a difference. People still hated him for simply being who he is...

While trying to protect and unite the people as one, he always becomes an alien to his own world.

Perhaps that is just his reality and meaning of being "only human".

In the end, he does take all of the hatred and blame upon himself, and just lives with it. Because that's what needs to happen.

That's the only way for them to satisfy their ego in order to move on.

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The enemy's decisions have already been made.

Even though upset, Bobby detaches himself from all anger and still offered Peace as he leaves.


Blue was also given his moment to choose...



Blue refused peace, to bring war... But war will not determine who is right. Only, who is left.

This "Cloak/Shadow War" has divided the Paragons and the aftermath created a wasteland.

The way Blue was maimed by a shadow-strike, was a wound that neither of them will forget but hopefully can understand beyond the pain.

No one walked away from that chaos without a scar, the bleeding is the same beneath the skin.

 [ Page 49 ]

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