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A world with limited female interaction created an environment that's very similar to a prison, and slavery.

Being a righteous person would be suicidal. There is no reasoning. Either be with them, or suffer.

Something happened to Bobby, he's changed, he adapted... The way out was to just embrace it and be one of them.

He made some friends and practised combat with them, requesting to not hold back and punch/kick as hard as they could.

Even used long broomstick handles that were found in the school's junkyard. Those hurt real bad so he would try hard to avoid those blows, sharpening awareness and reflexes. He had no technique or combat style while his foes were trained in various forms of art. But over time he was evading swings that he didn't even see but could hear or "sense" danger, predicting body movement.

When he couldn't dodge, his friends were very sorry and compassionate, he'd feel dizzy but then pulled a smile and hugged them.

Bobby got into several trouble against gangs armed with knives, nailed-clubs and such. He wasn't stupid enough to fight that.

It was too risky, but duels were much easier to deal with and learn from, also less likely to be wielding weapons.

While his enemies paid for combat lessons, Bobby learnt pretty much for free by simply observing how they fought him.

He would just run without a second thought if they were armed. Being a Gold and Silver medallist in cross-country/sprinting wasn't for nothing, it's endurance and speed. His agility was unmatched for heavy-smoker hoodlums. But he had a knife to his jaw before.

One day in the school yard, someone decided to pick a fight and swung some fast punches that were dodged but when looked carefully, the attacker wore barbed rings that would easily gouge flesh, and was going for the face.

One hard punch was all that's needed. It broke the attacker's nose bridge and some teeth. Bobby could feel the crunch in his fist.

The effect was like hitting a ripe mango and splattered blood around onto watchers. No one moved and just stared. 

The attacker didn't even know how to react, just shocked. Probably realising his face is no longer the same.

Bobby's father was called in and also brought the police with him.

After a discussion, the police penalised the attacker for armed assault and rewarded Bobby for self-defence, the case has been filed.

Bobby wasn't a trouble-maker while the attacker had previous records involving school/gang fights.

The attacker was expelled from the school and was under police supervision. That day, Bobby and his father went home early.

Although it was a dangerous moment, his family was very proud of him for defending himself and was unharmed.

The following morning made Bobby very nervous and actually afraid to go back to school, but he went anyway.

To his surprise, everyone was cheering him and wanted to be his friend. Even others who were previously mean, ended up being respectful towards him and followed his ways. Bobby told that he just wanted to study and not have anyone getting hurt.

That sentence changed the behaviour of the students around him in a positive way. They had a purpose to fight for goodness.

Tyrants and gangs no longer ruled the area. A new king claimed power and shared that liberty with everyone.

Blue/White uniform hoodies were a new limited product. Many started wearing them after Bobby wore it too. Solidarity!

It was no longer necessary to be in the wild anymore, specially since he got the new hoodie and wanted to keep it clean.

Bobby could then spend more time after school on the PC. He created LAN parties and Gaming Communities just by getting his "fans" to play with him at cybercafes. That grew into a profitable business for those shops, some decided to ditch the typical public internet cafe style to become a proper expensive gaming lobby as the flow of income was consistent and extremely lucrative.

What was once a nightmare, had changed into a wonderful life.

There was still violence in the area, crime always lurked in every corner, but reduced by a lot.

Most of his time was spent in a virtual world, he would abide to whatever his real life threw at him while his virtual life sustained a strong sense of morality and positivity. He literally had two lives simultaneously and was healthy for his growth.

This probably wasn't what his parents expected for his future but they were very loving and understanding, they gave him freedom.

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