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The same move during cloak was done (break the rules, push the borderline further deliberately). And once again it created a confusion and uneasiness in Blue and Green. Red and Yellow are slightly nervous because the severity of racism is being shown too rapidly, making it easy to see that "this is bad", if it was done gradually in a controlled manner, then such a level of racism will eventually be ok within a few months from now.

The borderline would've been pushed this far and everyone would absolutely accept it without realising that it is far worse than before.

Bobby sped up the process with his daring move and made things obvious about the direction things will go if everyone continues down this path.

Red and Yellow attempt to control the situation by acting innocent or ignorant and speaking on behalf of others. The usual manipulation at play.

They were given another chance to see if they admit their mistakes, and still haven't. In capital letters.

Bobby thought out of the box in that moment and realised something, he actually regained control by being the "bad guy", or "one of them".

Nobody listened to him as he begged for Peace, yet suddenly everyone is extremely sensitive and reactive when moving in their direction of hate.

This bizarre phenomenon is known as the "elephant in the room".

A bulb flashed above his head. "Let's make this elephant bigger until no one can be in the room".

Racism is a twisted form of hatred, there will be a point where they won't be able to bear their own environment. Its very nature is unpleasant.

It's like a bully meeting another bully of the same character. They won't stand each other. But it makes them question themselves.

When one is annoyed and cries for help, why protect him/her? Both are the same. That's when they realise who they are.

Most of the time they become friends anyway and bully each other for fun until they compare with successful people, wishing their lives were better.

Even then, they won't earn it, but instead pick or leech on the successful ones to gain some height.

It was time to grow that elephant. 

Bobby drops the reputation and honour of Paragon Dynasty down to the borderline or "grey area" of hatred. Because that's what it deserves.


To answer Green; The only time that they would reveal to the public is when there is a critical mass of brainwashed followers.

Some more interesting information from Blue. He has noticed the elephant in the room, yet still ignores it.

The incident Blue mentioned was recognised but already dealt with. Later in the story Bobby addresses this.

So something must have influenced Blue to create a big deal out of it even after he was reinforced and protected. 

Both treat each other respectfully and helpfully as good friends. Someone has definitely been talking bad or gossiping.

Below is an example of how they always communicate.


Another strange moment happened, everyone was settling into the grey area once again...

Turning the "elephant in the room" into a "rat" by taking things lightly.

This strange repetitive "mechanism" is seen at work and Bobby keeps this cycle in mind...

  1. Practice/Share racism,

  2. Take it lightly or as a joke,

  3. Settle it into grey area and update the borderline,

  4. Hate even more because it's now considered acceptable.

So since the above happened again and they all perfectly agreed that it's okay...

Bobby does even more, and pushes the borderline even further. Really grinding their gears.

He continues to play dumb and points out the "rat".

This time Bobby uses NO racial words, so that it seems like a "rat", but does a fart joke of the significance of an "elephant".

Using their methods of how they deliver hate in a Trojan way.


Double-standards coming from Blue after he showed that racism is okay, but not acceptable if it's done to him or his race.

Yellow doesn't stand up for Blue or protect him, just points it out and lets him handle it alone against Bobby (Causing conflicts).

Yellow had to write it since it's a hidden thing and made sure it's not missed out, also voting/emoji/reaction manipulation is being used again (Attempt to regain control).

Blue admits he did notice the "elephant in the room", and yet he belittles and ignores the actual problem...

  • "I saw and idc (I don't care)".

  • "idgaf (I don't give a f***) about provocations and never did".

But they were shown that the word is not the problem... It's the hate within it that's important.

Should anyone be concerned about Blue or racism anymore? It's just a little "rat" according to himself... But he's now losing his mind over it.

There's no rule to protect him from racism since it contradicts the motives of their new rule. Blue still can't admit, and holds onto ego.

This proved Blue to be an Egotistical Double-standard man. Blue seems to allow racism, but wants anti-semitism... That's wrong and dumb.

This is a community for Human beings... Not only Jews or Christians, Hindus, Atheists, etc individually. They are decided based on their frame of mind rather than colour of skin, culture, race. They should look out for each other while having their differences and share that variety for all to enjoy.

While people are different, they are unified as one and live in harmony for the growth of their community or country.

Bobby respects anti-(any race) and will definitely fight for them, but that is simply not possible if racism is accepted. That's like wanting to grow a farm in the middle of a warzone. The environment itself just doesn't allow it. They can do that if they want but expect to get hurt/killed, it just won't work.

Meanwhile, Green thinks of an apparatus to measure racism... Bobby understood why aliens don't visit us.

So far sadly no one even wrote the word "Love" or "Peace".

Blue knows for a fact that he stands among those who secretly practice Nazism, and thinks it's a good idea (because they are the majority perhaps).

After they are done with Bobby, guess who would be next?

Or maybe not... Maybe Blue is a real enemy, totally faithful to their purpose, and this is a convincing bluff. (Blue is an Actor).

Regardless of anything, it's still an option and must also be considered.

Just like they used a positive image to continue their agenda (I'm a Paragon, we are good guys. But... I allow racism). What is that supposed to mean?

Bobby wonders: "Why do this? Why create trojan horse hatred? Why live like this?"

This playful hatred spoke to Blue's double-standard face in a frank way.

But Bobby couldn't tell if he's bluffing or not and needs to soften the blow while searching for answers.

He needs to play the good and bad simultaneously.

The reputation and honour of Paragon Dynasty was demolished down to rubble.

It was a wonderful virtual "Entertainment, Hospital and Security" facility that served so many good people, until those in power greed for more.

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