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Bobby was raised differently; To identify racism only through a person's mind and attitude by sensing hate.

Believing that every human has their own unique mind under their appearances.

Just because one is seen as a bad apple, doesn't necessarily mean every other of the same type are also bad.

When a single person does something good, it makes their people/culture proud, loved and happy.

But when a single person represents bad, the whole community/culture of similar type are also hated equally.

That's wrong, it is the danger and way of thinking that Bobby must clear his thoughts from. 

People should be proud of who they are, not live in fear and threaten each other to determine superiority.

Even though Blue is allied with his racist friends, Bobby knew him better than this.


Blue was at his limits, he spoke his purpose.

Although Blue's cause is for honour, his family's purpose in their desperate times was to have Peace.

All that mattered was their children, to survive beyond the Hate, and carry their essence of Love.

Blue is alive because it was gifted to him. His family made the right decisions in their final hours.

This moment was a memorial, to remind us of the meaning behind "Peace".

In complete darkness...

All that could be heard, was a sound;

The language that binds us all into ONE.


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