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The entire social network of over 22 Million users, covering over 100 countries worldwide which provided video, image, sound, texting, forum and streaming for free on a single interconnected platform for about a dozen years; This mega powerhouse of an online service... Vanished. With only 2 days notice then everything was wiped.

This knocked him straight into huge real life struggles, it was depressing. Fortunately he secured his education before anything.

This colossal creation was all gone. It was hard to move on but he was forced to overcome the fall.

There's no looking back anymore. The joy, the teamwork, community, fans, content... Everything was just a memory overnight. 

Who's plan was it to transform a life like this?

Holding a positive heart; Bobby had to just grow out of it...

With help from the success in his real life (Studies/Work/Projects), he was able to return once again to his virtual self.

He studied Robotics/Mechatronics and Product Design.


Bobby moved to another game called "Planetside 2".

At first he collaborated with someone who was a really kind and wholesome person.

Their first outfit/clan was called "PANDORA PROJECT", their short tag was "[DORA]".

The community grew fast and was one of the best times spent online for almost 2 years. 

Bobby felt something different approaching though. A few relatively new members had a lust for control.

Bobby was a sub-leader, or "Officer". What was meant to be a wonderful community ended up being a group desiring power with a method that was very invasive and deceptive in hidden form.

The only one who stood against that was Bobby. He needed the leader to see the dangers, but they mistreated him.

Eventually, there was no choice but to resign, he did leave an eye-opener for them though.

And that's when his own community was created. Started from scratch, which ended up being quadruple the strength and quality of [DORA] since he learnt a lot from the faults he did in that outfit.

His own one became a refined version and sorted it properly from the very first brick placed.

This time Bobby trained his new outfit to become dedicated Pilots, bringing back his old Mastery.

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